Here We Go Again…Again

Please allow us to re-re-re-re-re-introduce ourselves. This is Sports Are Involved…Again.

The plain simple truth is that sports are involved. We live and breathe and love to watch sports, talk about sports, make fun of sports. How do we ever have time for work, school, girlfriends, or hobbies? I don’t know. We find time somehow.

What have we been up to? Ben has been off getting married and settling in to life as a teacher in the hills of eastern Kentucky. Jazmin has been doing law school and doing law related things such as flying in helicopters and getting a concealed carry license. Kahne has been working in the burgeoning field of health-something-or-other and still giving off the impression that he’s smarter than everyone else. Yours truly has been finishing a Master’s degree in North Carolina and trying to avoid unemployment like the plague. And Gabe has been doing…Gabe things. He is the big fluffy teddy bear that makes us love what we do and keeps us drinking beer when we’d rather fight and bicker.

Yes, life sure has taken some twists and turns for all of us. But just like Ron Burgundy, we’ve got the gang back together. Sure, we’ll give you some good laughs. But don’t try to follow the plot line because that is just stupid talk.

The important thing for you to know is that we’re back sports fans! We’ve got the same committed core of writers back to bring you the good, the bad, the hilarious and the Gabe of the sports world. We’ll be here week in and week out talking about whatever we think is interesting in sports.

Yes, we’ll talk about Kentucky sports until we’re blue in the face. Yes, Ben will talk about the good ol’ days when we had Lukasz Orbzut and played the NIT in Memorial Coliseum. Yes, Kahne will try to convince you that we should give every college athlete a salary and a brand new BMW (I’m with him on the salary part). Yes, Gabe will rant about Cubs baseball to no avail. Yes, Jazmin will pistol-whip you if you get smart with her.

And yes, we will be back with our podcast, somehow, someway, someday.

Most importantly, we’re here to churn out the best second-rate amateur sports news you can find on the blogosphere. So pull up a chair, Internets. Bookmark us and add us to your RSS feed. Tell  us what you want to hear. Join us for this journey of epicness.

And most importantly: Always, always…stick with Team Ben.