UK Football’s Recruiting Jubilee Should Be Met With Caution

Pump your brakes kid…the high school football Cats haven’t won a game yet.

The big news coming out of the University of Kentucky this week wasn’t the progress of John Calipari’s Kitty Cats (as it usually is in mid-February), but the shocking culmination of the incredible football recruiting class hauled in by second-year coach Mark Stoops.  Depending on what service you look at, Kentucky sits comfortably in the top 20 teams in terms of a heralded recruiting class.  Despite still being in the bottom half of the SEC, Kentucky football is now a hot item in February and definitely a player in the Sports Are Involved conversation.

However, Kentucky fans must be quick to not assume that Kentucky is definitely on their way to consistent eight-win seasons, much less division titles, appearances in SEC championships, and crashing the College Football playoff.  Unlike basketball, which can solve program sicknesses by a pinch of John Wall and a dash of Demarcus Cousins, Kentucky will not “rise” to the top without consistent top 20 recruiting classes, actually winning games in a competitive conference, and of course retaining the coaching staff which has generated this hullabaloo.

So in other words, pump your brakes kid, the wins aren’t guaranteed.

In fact, only six years ago, Kentucky signed two talented quarterbacks and seemed poised to jump to the next level after the Andre’ Woodson era.  You can check that out here.  By the time Morgan Newton was tripping over himself to open the 2011 season against Western Kentucky, it was clear that the talent level was not near high enough for Kentucky to challenge in the SEC during the Joker Phillips regime.  And even though Newton’s class (and ones around him) produced a flurry of talented high school players, it sure didn’t ensure success when they laced them up in college.  In fact, as many UK fans know, it was downright embarrassing.

The Newton era serves as a word of caution.  Sometimes, the stars these players amass in high school don’t shine as brightly in the SEC.

However, the hope is that by recruiting several consecutive classes laced with four and the occasional five star player, then surely that some of them will contribute.  And the more that contribute, the better the chance that UK can get an SEC victory or two, as I expect them to do next year (Vanderbilt and Mississippi State home games look awfully tasty).

But again, pump your brakes kid…the new football Cats are still kittens.  Let’s hope one day they grow up to be Wildcats.

Most Awkward Sideline Interview?

We at Sports Are Involved are all about telling our fellow co-writers how wrong they are about things which involve sports. With that said, and in the spirit of big Richard Sherman, whose name makes him sound more like a high-priced lawyer or the dentist off Finding Nemo, can you top the Pete Rose interview from the 1999 All-Star Game as the most devastatingly awkward and bizarre sideline interview of all time?

The challenge has been issued!

Who’s Who: SEC Football and Downton Abbey

The Internet has been waiting for the comparison between Downton Abbey characters and SEC Football programs, so of course here at Sports Are Involved we look to carry out the world’s great wishes.  This article will be co-written by my wife Brittany, who is perhaps a bigger fan of SEC football and Downton Abbey than I am, which is saying quite something my friends.

Sadly, we could not match every Downton character to an SEC team as there’s only 14 teams to go around.  Dang that realignment that it doesn’t go faster!  In any case, here’s how the major players at the abbey compare with the teams from the greatest conference in the history of ever…

Alabama – Lord Robert Crawley, the Earl of Grantham
The most stately figure on Downton, Lord Robert Crawley tends to stick with the traditional.  He has constantly fought against the modern and only changes when prodded.  He is the image of power from the past, and with the death of Matthew Crawley, the face of power for the foreseeable future.  The same can be said of the Crimson Tide.  They have been powerful and will be powerful for quite some time.  Roll Tide.

Arkansas – Mr. Molesley
The aspiring valet has a penchant for ridiculous situations, such as accidentally getting drunk while serving a dinner, making a fool of himself at a dance, and turning in an underwhelming cricket performance.  Sadly Mr., Molesley seems to be in dire straits as his ticket to employment, Matthew Crawley, met a bitter end.  Arkansas, as it is, was on its way to prominence under Bobby Petrino when he had his own “car accident.”  And like Arkansas, Mr. Molesley has been left behind.

Auburn – Tom Branson
Once a figure of disdain and a possessor of dangerous ideas, Tom Branson has now been accepted as one of the more influential figures at the Abbey.  As the current agent for the estate, he now has the position (thanks of course to his marriage to the late Sybil Crawley) to put his new ideas into play.  As does Gus Malzahn, who puts his quirky spread attack into the Tiger offense, and as 2013 indicated it’s quite the impressive force.  Look for Auburn, and Tom Branson, to play a larger role in the very near future.

Florida – Thomas Barrow
Sometimes there’s somebody who looks to be one of the crowd, but at second look they really aren’t part of the crowd but rather a quite defiant exception.  Thomas Barrow, the footman turned soldier turned valet turned whatever other role he plays downstairs, doesn’t really fit in with anyone except the scheming O’Brien, who has flown the coop.  Florida, not a traditional power in the SEC (at least more than 20 years ago), also represents a culture that is definitely not “southern.”  And with that offense last year, it’s certainly not “SEC.”  Bring back Tebow!

Georgia – Matthew Crawley
Full disclosure – this was the obvious pick by Brittany, who is a Bulldog graduate and passionate lover of all things Matthew.  Regardless, Matthew was quite refined and talented but never was able to sustain positive momentum in life before the devastating crash which killed him.  Since Herschel Walker, the Dawgs have had a roller coaster of a ride which never stays at the top for long.  With a great win comes a wildly devastating loss, such as the Prayer at Jordan Hare.  But even though Matthew is gone from Downton, he will still be part of the story.  As the Dawgs are and will be in the SEC.

Kentucky – Cora Crawley
It was Lady Cora, and her fortune, who came from the States to rescue Downton Abbey, and despite her best efforts, her American nature is used against her at times, particularly by her eldest daughter Mary.  She has little to no interest in the managing of the estate, but her presence matches Robert in their relationship.  As for the Wildcats, they are somewhat irrelevant in football and come from a different stock than the rest of the SEC.  So while the Wildcats have little interest in football, in basketball, well, that’s a different story.  Plus, what about Cora’s derby hats?  Very nice!  

LSU – Rose MacClare
Everyone likes someone around to make things interesting.  They might not always come through in every instance, but darn it they are fun.  Young Rose comes from the High Country and brings spontaneity to Downton Abbey that has been missing since the death of Sybil Crawley.  It’s natural that Les Miles would fill this role.  The grass-eating leader of the Bayou Tigers is always good for a laugh and a surprise, and with characters like the Honey Badger, Baton Rouge is never predictable.

Mississippi State – Edith Crawley
No one likes Mississippi State.  And no one likes Edith.

Missouri – Isobel Crawley
When her son Matthew stumbled into inheritance rights at Downton Abbey, it was his mother Isobel who looked to make the greatest impact when she became a factor in the family.  Whether it was running an infirmary at the Abbey, or annoying the crap out of Cousin Violet, she loves to be in the middle of the action.  Not unlike the Missouri Tigers, who in their short time in the SEC, has defeated Georgia, Florida, and Texas A&M, along with winning the SEC East and playing for an SEC Championship.  Instant impact!

Ole Miss – Mary Crawley
Some people are just born rebels.  While having the appearance of a classical figure, they go and sleep with a Turkish diplomat.  Mary Crawley is likely the central figure of Downton Abbey, and while maintaining an air of class, she’s always full of disappointing moves, such as the aforementioned affair, refuses Matthew’s advances, and spending any time with Sir Richard Carlisle.  Life is certainly a roller coaster which is quite full of dips and valleys.  Ole Miss, while maintaining the aura of Southern class, does really nothing special on the field and just moseys along from season to season without sustaining any level of success.

South Carolina – Violet Crawley
One never has to worry about the Dowager Countess from lacing barbs to anyone and everyone around the “big house.”  With such sharp wit, the matriarch of the Crowley family often shows tough love but doesn’t hesitate to show her soft side when appropriate.  We’re not sure if he has a sharp side, but there’s no doubt that Steve Spurrier is the “Dowager Countess” of SEC football coaches.  Whether it’s noting that you can’t spell citrus without UT, or admitting he likes playing Georgia early because a couple of their players will be suspended, no one does it like the “Old Ball Coach.”

Tennessee – Mrs. Hughes
Listen I love Mrs. Hughes, the lady version of Carson the butler downstairs, but you get the sense that her best days are behind her.  Whether she’s turning down old flames or contracting crippling diseases, it seems that Mrs. Hughes is content to shepherding along young talent at Downton and growing old alongside Mr. Carson.  As for Tennessee, Phil Fulmer isn’t waddling through that door.  While Butch Jones may bring the Volunteers back to prominence, it seems that Rocky Top’s best days are behind it.

Texas A&M – Mr. Bates
While it’s difficult to know Downton Abbey without Mr. Bates – remember that his entrance to Downton was a critical plot line of the series premiere – hobbling around the corridors, so it will be hard to imagine Texas A&M football with Johnny Manziel.  While both are integral parts of the current story, both have endured a sketchy past.  Bates may have killed his former wife.  Manziel drank some beers and signed some footballs.  Both crimes seem to be equally as fascinating.  So will Mr. Bates and Texas A&M resemble each other now that Johnny Football has left for greener pastures?  Eh, probably not. 

Vanderbilt – Mr. Carson
You know what you are getting with Mr. Carson.  He will stress over dinner service and disapprove of literally everything.  But every now and then, Mr. Carson shows an emotional depth that is rarely seen by any character, usually when giving advice to Mary.  Now listen, we know what to expect from Vanderbilt.  The Commodores are good for four wins each year and will probably beat Wake Forest and someone unexpected on the SEC schedule.  But every now and then, they surprise you with an eight win season.  But expect the dinner stress and disapproving attitude to return quite swiftly.

Sadly we couldn’t get around to finding teams for Anna, Daisy, O’Brien, and a vast assortment of others, but perhaps one day when the SEC takes over all of college football, we shall assign all the characters in the Village Grantham.

Petrino’s Return Guarantees a Happy Ending…For Someone

Listen I am a sucker for a good story.  You get somebody who is on the top of the world, makes a mistake (or two, or three, or seven), and then, despite all odds, rises from the ashes like Fawkes in Dumbledore’s office and murders his demons with a good dose of Avada Kedavra and comes out as the champion.  Well that can’t happen because magic is not real so we’re gonna settle for Bobby Petrino and his not-so-inevitable return to the Louisville Cardinals.

Don’t say you didn’t see this coming.  Bobby P arrived in Bowling Green for a pit stop because really who would ever choose to stay in Bowling Green (and I can say that cause I was born there).  In any case, with Louisville just a little drive up I-65, Petrino climbed atop his Hilltopper perch and waited for Charlie Strong to jump for a bigger job (which, despite what Louisville AD Tom Jurich believes, will never be the Louisville football position).  Strong obliged, and with a little swooning and convincing, Petrino returns for a second chance and a happy ending as Louisville seeks to make major waves in the ACC.

Yes, after the fall from grace in Arkansas, it took some humbling and soul-searching, professionally and apparently personally, for Petrino to return to the “top.”  Certainly, losing to South Alabama this past season doesn’t have the same charm as losing to the Crimson Tide.  But this column is about redemption and a chance to make things right.

While it’s dangerous and downright unfair to make judgments on whether Petrino’s personal character has improved since his adventures in adultery, Petrino has a chance to cap his career with what rarely happens in life and especially in public life — a second chance.

Yes college football is radically different in 2013 than it was in 2006 when Petrino left for the Atlanta Falcons, but Petrino can build on what he himself grew some eight years ago before Steve Kragthorpe burned it all down.

Despite the move to the ACC, there’s no reason to believe Louisville cannot win at least 8 games next season.  Consider the shellacking the Cardinals put on Miami (FL) during the Russell Athletic Bowl a couple of weeks ago.  The Hurricanes come to Louisville.

There’s also conference games against bottom feeders Syracuse, Wake Forest, NC State, and Boston College.  Road games to Notre Dame and Clemson will be a challenge, and then Florida State heads to Louisville, but Louisville has handled that before.

And then there’s Kentucky.  Ohhhhhhhhhhh Kentucky.  It should be another win for Louisville.

With capable recruiting, which includes a good sell job on a character renaissance from the head coach, the Cards should be in position to play with the big boys (as they are) in the ACC and to further solidify itself as a Top 25 program in the  nation.  And for Bobby Petrino, a 15-year run as the Cards coach results in multiple conference championships and, dare I say it, a run at the national championship.  And Robert Patrick Petrino lives happily ever after as the head coach of the Louisville football fighting Cardinals.


It could go all wrong for the redbirds.  And if it does, oh man will others enjoy their happy ending.  So if Bobby Petrino doesn’t ride off into the red-colored sunset in the Derby City, here’s a smattering of others who might enjoy a happy ending courtesy of Bobby Petrino…

  • Florida Gators — Will Muschamp will be fired after a 6-6 record in 2014, which naturally leads to Bobby Petrino leaving Louisville and returning to the SEC to lead Florida back to national prominence.
  • Rich Brooks — Certainly not the biggest fan of Petrino, the former UK football coach and nature connoisseur would delight in seeing his mid-2000s rival drive his motorcycle into the Ohio River.
  • Rick Pitino — Let’s be honest, tricky Ricky has not won any moral awards during his tenure at Louisville.  But he’s not as bad as the guy coaching next to him.  Shake and bake!
  • Atlanta Falcons — As the circle of life continues to roll, Mike Smith will be fired next year after an unsuccessful season and Bobby Petrino will be…haha no no this will never happen.
  • All Things Kentucky Wildcats — If Petrino fails (meaning the first time he loses to Kentucky, loses to anyone, gets caught in a moral dilemma, or pretty much anything not associated with winning every single game), then the glee of the Kentucky Wildcat fan will be unmatched.  Heck even viewing the University of Louisville as a moral cesspool thanks to the Petrino hiring is fun enough.  But if and/or win Mark Stoops lays down the hammer on Petrino, ohhhhhhhh what fun it shall be!

So in review, the next Disney movie seems to be one wrapping itself around the saga of Bobby Petrino.  There’ll be a happy ending for somebody.  However, what remains to be seen will be if Petrino plays the red-haired, misunderstood hero who defeats his own personal demons or the ginger nerd villain from The Incredibles.  Only time (and wins, and losses, and possible affairs, and motorcycle accidents, and instances of quitting on a team in mid-season) will tell.

What To Watch, Week of 1/23

It’s Pro Bowl Week!


Sunday, NBC, 7 PM: The Pro Bowl.  Who is ready for the worst all-star game in professional sports???


Thursday, TNT, 8 PM: Boston @ Orlando.  Boston isn’t doing so hot, but they play in the terrible Atlantic division, so they may still make the playoffs.  Orlando has a lot going for it, but its star wants out.

Friday, ESPN, 8 PM: New York @ Miami.  New York’s record isn’t great, and their fans are beginning to turn on their stars.  A good way to build some goodwill would be to take down the best team in the league.  They’ll have a chance to do this on Friday.

NCAA Men’s Basketball:

Wednesday, ESPN, 9 PM: Duke @ Maryland.  Maryland isn’t great this year–they’ve lost to Iona and Temple–but its always fun to see them play Duke.  It’s a great game every time.

Saturday, ESPN3/SEC Network, 4 PM: Mississippi State @ Florida.  Oddly, this is the only matchup between ranked teams all week.

In all, a pretty slow week.  Networks are afraid to compete with the Pro Bowl, I guess.